Solar Panels Needed for my Home

Understanding your solar energy needs

Factors That Impact the Added Value of Solar Homes

Of all the questions you may ask when first considering solar, “How many solar panels do I need?” is among the most popular for homeowners.

Have you noticed that some homes have more solar panels than others? That’s because every home has particular needs when it comes to the size of your solar system. You’ll want to know how many solar panels are needed to power your home effectively. To calculate how many solar panels you’ll need for your home, there are a number of factors to consider.

Let’s take a look at what factors are involved.

  1. Your home’s electricity use
  2. Your roof
  3. Amount of sunshine
  4. Type of solar panel
  5. Your energy goals
  6. Solar battery storage options

Factor #1: Your home’s electricity use

The first question you’ll want to answer is: How many watts do you currently use?

how to read your electric billNot every house has the same amount of electricity consumption. We all know that the more you watch TV, or use your heating and cooling units, the more you’ll pay for your monthly electric bill. The more wattage a certain device or appliance uses, the more energy usage can add up for your home. Therefore, the first factor in the number of solar panels you need for your home is knowing the amount of energy you use on a regular basis (how many kilowatt hours you use).

Not sure how many watts you use? No worries. Grab your last electric bill and look for “Kilowatt Hours (kWh) Used”. This is usually represented as the amount used in your billing cycle (for example, 30 days is typical). Or you can look for the meter readings listed on your bill and subtract the beginning reading from the end reading. Reading your electric bill sometimes can be tricky, but a Solar Energy Specialist can help with this during your appointment.

Do you have an electric vehicle? Or are you planning on purchasing one in the future? If so, this is another factor in your home’s energy consumption and another thing to consider when deciding how many solar panels you will need.

Factor #2: Your roof

How many solar panels you’ll end up with also depends on your rooftop. That’s because solar panels are installed on your roof, and therefore things like available roof space are really important.

The most ideal situation for solar panels is a roof with ample space that has an east-west ridgeline with little to no interference from trees or buildings. This will allow the panels to capture as much energy as possible from the sun.

If the space on your rooftop is limited, there are smaller higher-efficiency panels made to suit your home energy needs.

Another factor in this decision is the age of your roof. If you suspect your roof will need to be replaced soon, you could benefit by getting a new roof and solar panels at the same time. ADT Solar’s roofing company, Buildpro, installs quality, affordable roofing that works with home solar systems.

Factor #3: The amount of sunlight your home gets

Speaking of your roof, another important factor in the decision of how many solar panels your home will need is sunshine. How many hours of sunshine your roof gets on a daily basis, that is. How many hours of peak sunlight your home gets on average will have a direct effect on how much energy your solar energy system will be able to produce.

This resource from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will help you understand how much sunlight you get depending on where in the U.S. you live. If you live in the Southwest, you can expect your panels to soak in a lot more sunlight during the day than if you live in the Northeast. However, solar panels still work on cloudy days and even in the snow!

On average, a home that gets around five peak sunlight hours a day that uses around 900 kWh/month would need around 6,000 watts of solar power. How many panels this translates to depends on what type of panels you have. If you’re worried about the math, schedule an appointment with a Solar Energy Specialist who is trained to walk you through this.

Factor #4: Type of panel

Aren’t all solar panels the same? Not at all! How much power your solar power system can produce is directly affected by the type of solar panels that are installed on your home.

Here’s a breakdown: wattage and efficiency are two factors that are very important in how much power your system will produce. The more wattage, and the more efficient a solar panel is, the more output it will produce for your home.

As we just mentioned, let’s say your home needs 6,000 watts of solar energy a month. So how many solar panels does that equal? This depends on the solar panel’s wattage, the output of power for home under ideal conditions. This is also known as a solar panel’s power output rating. Most solar panels are between 250 and 400 watts. So if you purchased panels with 250W of power output, you would need 24 panels to cover all your home’s energy. Or you would need 15 solar panels with power output of 400W.

The other factor involved is solar panel efficiency, or how much sunlight a solar panel can convert into usable electricity. Most solar panels are between 14% and 20% efficient. If you want more potential power output, you’ll want to choose panels with higher efficiency.

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Factor #5: Your home energy goals

Aren’t all solar panels the same? Not at all! How much power your solar power system can produce is directly affected by the type of solar panels that are installed on your home.

Here’s a breakdown: wattage and efficiency are two factors that are very important in how much power your system will produce. The more wattage, and the more efficient a solar panel is, the more output it will produce for your home.

As we just mentioned, let’s say your home needs 6,000 watts of solar energy a month. So how many solar panels does that equal? This depends on the solar panel’s wattage, the output of power for home under ideal conditions. This is also known as a solar panel’s power output rating. Most solar panels are between 250 and 400 watts. So if you purchased panels with 250W of power output, you would need 24 panels to cover all your home’s energy. Or you would need 15 solar panels with power output of 400W.

The other factor involved is solar panel efficiency, or how much sunlight a solar panel can convert into usable electricity. Most solar panels are between 14% and 20% efficient. If you want more potential power output, you’ll want to choose panels with higher efficiency.

Factor #6: Solar battery storage options

Aren’t all solar panels the same? Not at all! How much power your solar power system can produce is directly affected by the type of solar panels that are installed on your home.

Here’s a breakdown: wattage and efficiency are two factors that are very important in how much power your system will produce. The more wattage, and the more efficient a solar panel is, the more output it will produce for your home.

As we just mentioned, let’s say your home needs 6,000 watts of solar energy a month. So how many solar panels does that equal? This depends on the solar panel’s wattage, the output of power for home under ideal conditions. This is also known as a solar panel’s power output rating. Most solar panels are between 250 and 400 watts. So if you purchased panels with 250W of power output, you would need 24 panels to cover all your home’s energy. Or you would need 15 solar panels with power output of 400W.

The other factor involved is solar panel efficiency, or how much sunlight a solar panel can convert into usable electricity. Most solar panels are between 14% and 20% efficient. If you want more potential power output, you’ll want to choose panels with higher efficiency.